Supporting ‘Rough Edges’

The St Mark’s community supports ‘Rough Edges’ at St John’s Darlinghurst in a variety of ways, including financial support and providing meals to their kitchen one night per month (the second Sunday). Rough Edges is a place where community happens for people experiencing homelessness and marginalization.

Food drop-off

Changes have taken place at Rough Edges 2025. This Is due partly to staff arrangements as well as health and safety regulations introduced by St Johns. Meals will no longer be served at Rough Edges (St Johns) on Sunday evening. However, evening meals will be served each week-night including Mondays. We still plan to continue providing meals on the second Sunday of each month. However, meals will need to be refrigerated / frozen on Sunday night ready for reheat Monday evenings or during the week.

Finally, a few items to consider:

  1. any prepared food will need to be stored in sealed containers i.e. not with glad wrap / alfoil covering a baking dish.
  2. avoid food that will not last in fridge / freezer such as salad with lettuce, fresh cream on cakes
  3. all food needs to be cooked including dry pasta, noodles etc
  4. Avoid prepared meals from the supermarket or deli that require 30 min + cooking.
  5. Pot Luck will be updated during the week, so you can add a dish

Option A – Give financially to provide catered food

To contribute financially please transfer money to the regular St Mark’s giving account and clearly mark it as “ROUGHIES FOOD”.

Account Name: St Mark’s Church Darling Point
BSB: 032 054
Account Number: 250036

Option B – Contribute a dish yourself

To contribute a dish please ensure COVID Safe Cooking: Please do not give food if you are feeling any cold or flu symptoms including sore throat, coughing, body ache, sniffles and fever. Rough Edges patrons are a vulnerable health group and your vigilance in keeping them safe is much appreciated.

Any questions please contact our volunteer Rough Edges coordinator via

We invite you to sign up below to prepare a meal for your neighbours. Further information on quantities and delivery details can be found on the sign-up page.

Suggested dishes.  Main courses: Roast chicken, lamb or beef; lasagne, sausages, rissoles, chunky soups, roast vegetables, risotto. Desserts: Cakes, biscuits, slices.

If you would like to make a Tax-Deductible donation to Rough Edges, click here

Thank you for your generosity.

Dates for 2025

The dates when we will be providing food for Rough Edges in 2024 are shown below: