Living Wisely: Christian Ethics for Today’s World

  • Starts: Sun 18 Aug 2024 4:00pm
  • Ends: Sun 29 Sep 2024 5:30pm
  • Location: St. Mark's Church, Darling Point Road, Darling Point NSW, Australia

In a complex world, how do we decide what is right and wrong? How are we to obey God when the Bible doesn’t tell us anything about in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, the internet or nuclear weapons?

Living Wisely is an introduction to Christian Ethical thinking based on Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount. We will ask: what makes a happy life? Why is morality so controversial? What sums up the law and the prophets? Does it matter what our motivations are? What are our duties to other people? What is justice? And we will explore some of the toughest moral issues of our time.

The course runs each Sunday from 4pm-5:30pm in the Parish Hall, 18 August – 29 September 2024. Register here. For enquiries please contact

Details of the course programme can be found here.